Thursday, June 21, 2012

On the Road

Not a whole lot to share tonight! We were in the car again for around 9 hours as we left Nevada, traveled through Idaho and Montana. We made a few stops along the way, the most notable one was made as we were leaving Twin Falls, Idaho.

We crossed a bridge and were struck by the canyon on either side. I made Jason turn around and we returned to the overlook. Interestingly, the overlook shared a parking lot with a shopping area very similar to River Park in Fresno. It seems rather odd to me that what I consider to be a natural gem has Old Navy overlooking it. Down below was Snake River, and we watched some people kayaking before continuing on.

The drive was much more interesting as we drove along today. Like yesterday, the kids were great travelers. We arrived at West Yellowstone, Montana at about 6:30pm and headed to the town's main strip for dinner. The kids are now (supposed to be) sleeping, and Jason and I have the hard task of trying to decide what we want to do in Yellowstone these next few days. I am looking forward to being in the midst of the beauty that God has created.   


Daniel Tune said...

Glad your trip is going well so far. I crossed that same bridge and was struck by its beauty as well. I check your blog daily for new updates and look forward to hearing about your adventures in Yellowstone - and hopefully some pics, too!!! Miss you guys!

Daniel Tune said... Jen signed into Dan's account:)