Saturday, June 15, 2013

May Recap

Ok, so I guess you can tell that it has been SUPER busy since I haven't blogged since the first week of May.  There's no way I can do a blog post for each memory, so this is going to be a May Recap...

First Grizzlies Game of the Season:
We got tickets from my school's Wild About Reading program and invited the Wiens family to join us.  As usual, the girls read through most of the game, and the boys brought toys to play with.  Christa and I got a chance to chat, so pretty much, it was just Jason and Aaron who actually paid attention to the game (I can't even tell you who the Grizzlies played against, hahaha).

Hinds' Hospice Angel Babies' Walk/Run:
Our family has participated in this annual event for many years in memory of Caleb Wiens.  Jason has run the last few years but has been injured for the past few months.  Our kids also participated in the Kids' Races after the main walk was complete.  Jeremy came in the top 10 in his age group, and Grace finished with her friend, Violet, in the middle of their age group.

Crazy Week!
The Bomars invited us to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with them and the Wienses.  Always fun hanging out with friends!
Later in the week, Grace and I went to the Fresno County of Education's Young Author's Faire at the Fresno Convention Center.  My class submitted a book (it was a Top Selection), and Grace's class also submitted a book.  That was pretty neat, getting to see both of our books!
In the midst of the craziness, I decided to bake and decorate sugar cookies for Grace's softball teammates since it was their last week.  It was my first time decorating with hardening cookie icing- I am certain that I took way longer than what is normal, but I was so proud of how they turned out!
Grace's softball team's party was amazing- one of the coaches, Coach Tony, hosted a catered dinner and even had a bounce house, trampolines, snow cones, popcorn, and cotton candy for the girls.  Coach Larry made me teary eyed when he presented Grace's trophy- he has been her coach for 3 years and had the sweetest and most encouraging words for her!
We had to leave the party early because Grace's friend, Charlotte, had her ballet recital the same night.  It was a big deal since it was held at the Memorial Auditorium downtown.  She did a wonderful job and we were glad to be able to go show our support.  

Mother's Day:
I am so grateful that I have been blessed to have these two goofy kids in my life.  Truly, I am so thankful for the honor and privilege to be a mom, and more than that, a mom to these two amazing gifts...

Muffins with Mom:
So glad that our principal was supportive of me taking the morning off to go to Jeremy's Muffins with Mom at his preschool.

Small Group Reunion:
We used to be a part of a small group that met weekly.  We "did life" together for many years- they celebrated with us during our ups, prayed for us during our downs, and everything in between!  The Sieberts moved to Edmonton years ago, and our group eventually stopped meeting due to lack of time.  Well, the Sieberts came to visit in May and so our group got together.  It has grown quite a bit in the past few years with the addition of kids (minus the two McCreary boys, who weren't able to make it)!

Grace's Piano Recital:
Grace has been taking piano lessons from Christa for the past year and a half.  She had her first recital in May.  She only performed two short songs, but we know how much time and effort went into those songs.  Grace has been learning a life lesson, as she has had to balance her schoolwork, softball, and practice piano on a daily basis.  She did great!
 Grace and her piano teacher, aka Auntie Christa
Grandma came to show her support!

Fiddler on the Roof:
Jason and I have never been to Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater before.  A member of our church was part of the cast of "Fiddler on the Roof," and a group was organized to go show our support.  We LOVED it! The food was excellent, the show was hilarious (sadly, we didn't get to watch the end, so we still don't know how it turns out- we were unaware that our babysitter wasn't able to stay out late), and the company was wonderful (we got to catch up with friends, but we also met some new people).
(Sorry for the fuzzy pic! Here we are with the Bergs, who are the ones to first tell us about Roger Rocka's)

Arrested Development Marathon:
Jason absolutely loves the show, Arrested Development.  It was on T.V. for only 3 seasons and despite critical acclaim, never caught on with the general public.  Anyway, diehard fans like Jason have been anxiously waiting the release of Season 4 on Netflix, which happened to be on Memorial Day weekend.  We joined Jason and Jill, and Aaron and Christa for a viewing marathon at the Wiens' home, while the kids hung out at our house with a babysitter. Fun times!     
We have a friend who donated her hair to Locks of Love last year.  I remember telling Grace about it, and she thought it was so neat to be able to donate hair to people who lost their hair due to cancer.  She decided that she wanted to do the same.  So, she's been growing it out.  It hasn't been easy- with such an active girl who often likes to leave her hair down, tears have definitely been shed as we've worked out tangles!  She wanted her hair to be a bit longer before it was cut, but with summer here, we convinced her just to cut it.  At first, we were going to donate it to Locks of Love, but decided to go with Pantene after my cousin suggested we look into it.  Grace was very proud and says she'd like to do it again.        
Now how was that for a busy May?!  I didn't even include Jeremy's t-ball or any of our Open Houses... Those will be in posts to come!

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