Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay

I realize that we've been back from Hawaii for some time now, but it was only yesterday that I finally was able to get the pictures from our disposable underwater camera! I have to share them, because I am so proud that I actually snorkeled! For most of my life, I have had a fear of drowning. The idea of going to island to vacation is more like a nightmare, so you can imagine how much it took for me to: 1) get in the water, 2) put on snorkeling gear, 3) learn how to use the gear, 4) actually use it to see underwater! It was hard for me, and I won't lie- I didn't go very far out. BUT, the thrill of seeing so many neat fish has left a good memory, and I might consider doing it again in the future!
Jason ventured out farther with some friends, hoping to catch a glimpse of a turtle. Wouldn't you know it, he did come across one! Amazing! Unfortunately, we didn't stay at Hanauma Bay for very long because it was overcast, rainy, and windy. I would've loved to have stayed and done some more exploring!


JHNickodemus said...

I love the turtles! That was one of the coolest parts of driving by turtle bay!

Jamie said...

So cool! Snorkeling in Hawaii is definitely up at the top of my great vacation memories as well! Good for you for getting out there and doing it!