Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rock Out!

Tuesday night was Grace's Year End Program at Shining Star Preschool (at Northwest Church). Jason's mom watched Jeremy for us so we could focus 100% on Grace. The place was packed! Grace's teachers have made several comments this past week about how great Grace has been during their practices. One actually said, "We're putting her front and center, so you better come." We had no idea what to expect. In children's programs at church, she hasn't always participated- she has been the one who has flipped up her dress, made funny faces, and a few years ago, even ran around behind the risers while everyone else performed! Today, her class performed last. I personally think they saved the best for last! Not only that, I think (and yes, I realize I'm a little biased) that Grace totally stole the show. Watch the video!

She was amazing- I laughed so hard. Where'd she learn those moves?! After the program, we returned to her classroom for Open House. She showed us around and we got to see some of the things they've been doing in class. She told Jason that after the program, everyone would be getting some bread and sticking some ice cream in it and putting it together (get it? ice cream sandwiches). It was such a great evening- we are so proud of our little girl and are amazed at how much she has learned this year. Preschool has been a wonderful experience. She is going to be incredibly saddened when school ends next week. I don't think she realizes just what that means yet...
Grace's teachers: Mrs. Laura and Mrs. Becky


Christa Wiens said...

I see a guitar in that girl's future!

kc said...

How fun! Grace is totally at home on the stage. I loved it!

JHNickodemus said...

Quite the performer! (I like her concept of ice cream sandwiches!)