Friday, April 20, 2012

Skater Boy

A few months ago, I got Jeremy some skater shoes from Target.  He was so excited to put them on because he said, "These are just like Noah's!  He can teach me how to skateboard."  Noah is our nephew, who Jeremy adores.  Last weekend, we got together to celebrate my sis-in-law's birthday, and it just so happened that our niece, Ashley, had brought her skateboard.  Noah quickly helped Jeremy gear up and they headed out to the driveway.
 How cute is our little skater?!
I was really expecting just to take a few pictures.  I really thought that he'd fall, cry, and give up within minutes. Well, he did fall off many times, but was quick to get right back on the skateboard.  Noah and Jason stood nearby, but he really wanted to try everything himself.  With the chilly weather and bumpy driveway, we convinced him to take the skateboard into the garage.  He practiced balancing while we gave little pushes, but then he wanted to practice kicking off on his own. He ended up consumed with the skateboard for about an hour.  I was so impressed by his balance, his determination, and his perseverance!  I'm wondering if I should look into getting a cheap skateboard on craigslist or if he'll quickly lose interest...

1 comment:

JHNickodemus said...

Wow! Go Jeremy! He may have found his niche!?