Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of the School Year

Well, it's the end of the school year! It's unbelievable to think that an entire school year has passed! Here's an overview of how each of us has emerged from this past year.

Grace: Her last day was Thursday. I wondered if it would be emotional, but it wasn't. That's likely because her teacher has been off since before Spring Break recovering from knee surgery. The kids had Water Play Day, but since it was rather breezy, the sprinklers weren't turned on. All 4 classes of kinder rotated between different activity stations outside. I had planned on helping all morning- the teachers were ok with me bringing Jeremy, so he was with me the entire time. He did pretty well! Grace's report card is wonderful and she mastered everything she was supposed to. Lots of kids from her class will be moving so it'll be interesting to see who's in her class next year. In her words, she "loved kindergarten!"

Jeremy: I have enjoyed spending time with Jeremy in the mornings when Grace is at school. He has grown a lot this year, though it's been harder for me to see since I'm with him all the time. I know that the home daycare he returns to in August will be surprised to see a "boy" and not a "baby!" Aside from always being with me running around doing errands, some things he and I have done this year- playdates, library visits, storytimes, trips to the park, and mommy-and-me gymnastics. He was potty-trained this year, learned how to ride a tricycle, and has a great love for books! He continues to have both "terrible" and "terrific" days, all in the life of a two year old!

Jane: I have loved being able to focus on my family, and am immensely grateful for this past year. Aside from focusing on my family, I have been able to focus on "me" this year. I learned a lot and gained so much perspective from being in Trinity Presbyterian's Thursday morning Bible study, I worked out at the gym regularly (it doesn't show- it's more that I committed to it), I read many more books and even started a book club, I was able to reflect and write in my Mother's Journal for my kids, I accomplished my goal of completing Jeremy's First Year of Life Scrapbook, I spent more time with friends... I definitely consider this past year to be one of rejuvenation! I recently found out that I will be returning to 5th grade at Harvest (where I've been for the past 3 years). I am filled with excitement and anticipation, already brainstorming and making plans for the year ahead. Again, I will face the challenge of balancing work and home... After this year and seeing the effects and importance of focusing on the family, I know that "home" has to tip the scale! I will work hard to do that!

Jason: Jason loved having me at home this year. It wasn't as stressful as it can get when both of us are working. He particularly loved Tuesdays (Baking Day for me and Grace). When I return to work next year, we'll have to go back to sharing "house duties" such as cooking and cleaning. After teaching eighth grade for seven years, Jason has decided that it's time for a change. There was an open sixth grade I.B. social studies position, and he asked for it. His principal approved and has said that should he not enjoy the year, that he won't be bound to it the year after. It's still at his middle school and he'll be joining a team of teachers that are very collaborative. Jason is really excited about the idea of working with I.B. students, having less emphasis on testing (sixth graders do not have state testing for social studies), and working with a fun curriculum (Ancient Greece, Rome, China, etc.). He will likely still coach volleyball and resume his duties as Department Chair.

Looking ahead to summer, it feels like it'll be gone before we know it. It's pretty packed- hope you'll keep checking in for updates of all of our adventures!

1 comment:

JHNickodemus said...

Ooooh! Fifth Grade! How I envy you!I think Ive appreciated you taking this year for family as well! As someone anticipating going into education (even more so after working at a pre-school!) these are good things to know!