My school's Open House was a few weeks ago. I really love my work as a teacher, and so despite the crazyness that might come with preparing for an Open House, I always look forward to it. I enjoy meeting with the parents, and seeing how excited the kids get to be able to show off the things they've worked on. For this year's Open House, I would have to say that the kids were proudest of their State Report Powerpoint presentations (I'm proud that I was able to teach them how to create those). Another thing that they loved was challenging their parents to our version of "Are YOU Smarter than a 5th Grader?" We have CSTs (California State Testing) starting next week, and I feel like it's all downhill from there. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Of course, that might have something to do with how I was off for 4 months!
Jason lives to coach volleyball. His boy's team's season just started. Grace and I were able to go watch the first game against Terronez. It was a very close game and ended with Terronez edging out Wawona in Game 3 with a score of 17-15 (they had won game point but the call was reversed by the ref). He's had two games since and their record is currently 1-2. He's such a great coach. His boys learn so many things from him. This year's team has got great potential. They are in a tough league against schools with reputable volleyball programs. His two losses were really close against Terronez and Tenaya, and they dominated in their win against St. Anthony's.Last week was my school's carnival. Jason brought Grace and Jeremy out to my school. We ate, talked with friends, and Grace played in the bounce houses and several carnival games. Jeremy actually stayed up the entire time, taking in all the different sights and sounds. I enjoyed showing off my wonderful family to all the students and staff!Feel free to check out more pictures in our Family Photo Album.
Happy birthday Jason!!!! - Sarah Fuller
It's good to hear about the grown-ups, too!
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