Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate "love." Jason and I don't really "celebrate" it with expensive flowers, chocolates and jewelry- we think of it as a cheesy "Hallmark" holiday, but at the root of it, it's a day for us to intentionally reflect about love and about the people in our lives who love and care for us, who we are truly grateful for.

One particular person who always goes out of her way to make us feel loved and special is Jason's mom. I really don't know anyone who is as selfless as her. She is the most giving person and so incredibly generous. She is always there for us... We are truly grateful for the amazing relationship she has with our kids. They light up and get excited when they see her and love to spend time with her. She does so much to express her love for them, and spends valuable time with them doing things they enjoy. Thank you for everything you do for us, Mom/Grandma. We love you so much!
Another couple that we are grateful for are Darrell and Karen. We met them through church when I was expecting with Grace. We just kind of "clicked" and they have been a part of our lives ever since. They've watched our family grow and change through the years and they have always been extremely supportive. They've become like "adopted grandparents," particularly since my parents are so far away. Thank you Darrell and Karen, for loving our family like you do!

Obviously, there's no possible way we could ever showcase all the people who we are grateful for- just know that we feel so blessed to have such an amazing circle of people around us! May you always feel loved, not just on Valentine's Day!

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