Sunday, September 28, 2008

So Busy!

I've only just figured out why time seems to be flying by so quickly- we are SOOO busy! This past weekend was no exception. Jason's volleyball team was in a tournament at Hoover High School all day yesterday. Jeremy spent Friday night at Grandma's house because we knew it was going to be a full day. We kept Grace with us because she had swimming lessons yesterday morning (I'll blog about that after we've been able to take some pictures), and also because we wanted her to see all of the volleyball action. Jason's team didn't do as well as he had hoped. They lost in the consolation semi-final. Gracie was great- she sat relatively still to watch all the games and Jason was thrilled to hear her say later on in the day, "When I'm older, I'm going to play volleyball, too." Sorry, I forgot my camera yesterday- no pictures!
Speaking of volleyball, my team is now 2-1 with our loss on Friday against my former school. I had seen them in action earlier in the week, and I knew it was probably unlikely that my team would be able to beat them. Herndon-Barstow (my former school) has won games with scores like 25-2 and 25-3, so at least we lost with scores of 25-9 and 25-12. Too bad... Here's my team with their sad faces...
Even our kids are busy! Grace had "Donuts with Dad" this past week. She reminded me that morning, "Donuts with Dad starts with /d/. Only Daddy can come, ok Mama? You start with /m/. It's not your turn yet, so you can't come." Grace was proud to show her daddy around at her preschool. Sorry, no pictures of that, either!
And of course our little Jer-bear is always busy! I know it won't be long before he'll start walking... He's already hard to keep up with! Check out the video clip of him- is it just us or does he have a pretty good arm?! Two more weeks until his first birthday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Weekly Volleyball Update

My volleyball team won today! We did really well, winning 2-0 over Houghton-Kearney... Here's my smiling team! We have a BYE week next week... As for Jason's team, they're still in their preseason and their record is 1-1. They lost to Edison Computech and won against Fresno Christian. Next up is Tenaya... oh boy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

11 Months?!

Really? Jeremy is 11 months old?! I am having such a hard time believing it. Time has truly flown by this past year. I still clearly remember the (horrible) first six weeks! Seriously, what a joy our son is to us! It's so interesting how different our two kids are. Grace was able to "sign" and communicate with us from an early age. We've tried to do the same things with Jeremy and he still won't communicate with us using sign language. When he wants something, he screams. He is also quite impatient, particularly if we don't get his food ready in time (Anyone have suggestions on how to change this?!)
He's as happy as can be... when he's got food in front of him!

We really do call him "Bear" nowadays because he is so rough with everything. An example? Well, he likes to head-butt our cats! I am working on getting this on film so that people will believe us. He can certainly hold his own when he and Jason rough-house on the floor. Jason loves to play "catch" with him. He's got quite an arm. As well, he is an incredibly fast crawler, and is able to stand unsupported for a good amount of time. I am amazed at all that he's learned how to do. For example, at his daycare, he has figured out how to open their gate; at home, he's learned how to turn on the dishwasher and open our pocket doors... Keeping up with him can be exhausting! I really do enjoy watching him and seeing his personality develop. Before we know it, we'll be celebrating his first birthday!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Is it the start of cold season already?

So... it's been an interesting 2 days. Jeremy woke up yesterday with a fever. Jason ended up staying home with him, but the fever would come and go throughout the day. I ended up having to take today off and call for a sub. This morning, he still had a slight fever, a runny nose, loss of appetite, and was miserable! I can't say that there's ever a "good time" to take off of work- it's such a pain to prepare lesson plans for a sub, but I did welcome the chance to spend a little time with my little guy. When he's sick, he likes to cuddle and be held, so I took advantage of that! I still had so many other commitments to fulfill at work, so Jason's mom came to the rescue for us and was able to come over to our house to be with Jeremy. I went in to work and coached my girls' volleyball team in their first game of the season. We won in 2 sets with scores of 25-7 and 25-16. Here's a picture of my team with their "happy faces." It'd be fantastic if I don't have to post any pictures of "sad faces" this season!It was nice to come home after winning and getting to see that Jeremy is doing better. He still has a slight fever, but he was much more active after dinner... Fingers crossed that this bug will pass by quickly!