Saturday, October 22, 2011

First Days of School

It was a hard decision, but we decided it was time for Jeremy to start a new daycare this year.  We call it "school" just so he can feel like a "big boy."  I was extremely nervous about how he'd adjust to this change, and I can confidently say that he LOVES it.  He has made friends and really enjoys learning.  It is amazing to see and hear the things that he has learned in just a few short months! 
 Grace started 2nd grade this year.  We were a little apprehensive when we found out that she is in a 2/3 combo class, but in the first week alone, we were assured by different people who knew who her teacher was that she was in good hands.  Even though she's in a combo class, this is the best start she's had!  She has done really well and loves school.

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