Thursday, November 13, 2008

Small Group Reunion

For years, we met every week with 4 other couples to learn more about how to strengthen our relationships with Christ, build up our marriages, and encourage each other in parenting. We all have kids around the same ages, so having this tremendous support has been incredible. Due to hectic lives, we all decided to slow down a little this year.
We were able to get together this past long weekend for a reunion! I call it a reunion because one of the couples, James and Ann, moved to Edmonton last year, but were in town this past week. We got together for a potluck at Allen and Kristen's house. Altogether, we had 10 adults and 10 kids. We also hired a babysitter for several hours to help watch the kids so we could have some time to talk and catch up. We enjoyed such a great evening. These couples have been a big part of our lives and we are grateful for their friendships!The kids ate first, then went off to play while the adults ate dinner together

Later in the evening, each family took turns sharing about what we've been up to so that we would all know how to pray for each other in these upcoming weeks
It's neat to see how much our kids have grown up since we were all together last- they can actually sit and play a game together (without needing much help from an adult to constantly referree).

Despite only seeing each other every so often, Grace and Melody are great friends

Baby of the bunch


The Lomeli clan said...

What a great picture of the girls! You look like you had a great time.

kc said...

Great photos of the kids. They look so peaceful and quiet playing a game at the table...funny I don't remember that... We loved having you all over!

The Isaacs said...

Thanks for the great pic of my bald spot babe.

Lisa said...

Very cool Jane. We met with our small group from NFC for over 10 years!