Jason and I got to have a whole week off for Thanksgiving break! It was sooo needed... Grace's preschool and Jeremy's daycare were both open until Wednesday, so we really did get some time for ourselves. Usually, we're working when Grace's preschool holds their parties, so I was thrilled to be able to go to her school on Monday for their Thanksgiving party. On one of the bulletin boards at their school, the teachers had asked what the kids were thankful for and posted their answers. Some said, "my family," "the park," "for Christmas presents," etc. What is Grace thankful for? "The river." Huh? We've asked her several times what that refers to, but she doesn't know. Maybe she's a higher level thinker- her favorite song is "Peace like a River" which she sings over and over again. Maybe "the river" refers to that? We don't know!

On Wednesday, we headed up to the family cabin at Shaver Lake for Thanksgiving... We enjoyed a great time with Jason's family. The kids got along wonderfully (we barely had to mediate), and we didn't have to continually stop Jeremy from climbing up the stairs (he tried a few times, slipped from the second step, and didn't try too hard after that).

The boys building with MegaBlocks (well, actually, Jeremy tore down everything Noah built)

The girls played so well together (pictured here with "Ned's Head").

Jeremy and his food- here he is with some homemade apple pie

Grace is an excellent Wii bowler
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it helps me to reflect on how much there is to be thankful for. Life hasn't always been easy for us, so when there are good times, I value and cherish them even more. This year, my thoughts revolve around my marriage relationship with Jason, and on our two blessings, Grace and Jeremy. I am so grateful...
This morning, while I was unpacking stuff from our trip, our little bear was at it again! I was putting kitchen items away and within seconds, he got into a plastic container containing flour. Yup, it went everywhere, especially when he decided to get up and go find something else to get into.

We hope everyone had the chance to spend time with loved ones! Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
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