Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Love Books!

How many of you know that I was an English major in university (in Canada, we actually call it "university")? I was! I earned a Bachelor of Education degree and my major was English. Most people would assume then that I have read a lot in my life... Um... no! I confess that I lost my love of reading after being assigned so many books to read during that time period! In fact, it wasn't until a few years ago that I began to read again simply for the enjoyment of it. I'd come across some books that were so good that I made Jason read it just so I'd have someone to talk to about it. He kept saying that I needed to find a book club to join. I kept making excuses, the best one being that I simply didn't have time. Well, taking this year off of work has given me a lot more time. I decided to start a book club, and I even started a blog all about books! I am proud to share- click HERE and let me know if you ever want to do a book review to add to our book blog!

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