Our family enjoyed a wonderful evening tonight. For us, it began with pumpkin carving. Grace and Jason carved the two pumpkins Grace got on her two trips to the pumpkin patch earlier in the week. It was cute that she drew a picture of what she wanted one of the jack-o-lanterns to look like.

Next, the kids got into their costumes and we headed to our church's carnival where the kids played on the inflatables, played some carnival games, we ate dinner, and chatted with friends. Grace dressed as Tinkerbell this year (or depending on who you ask, a fairy or a princess), and Jeremy was supposed to match as Peter Pan (or some people guessed Robin Hood). Jeremy lasted in his costume for about 20 minutes- he undid his belt, the hat was thrown on the ground, and he bent his sword soon after that. Grace didn't want to wear her wings or carry around her wand, so Jason and I ended up carrying around all of their accessories.

You might be surprised to know that Grace has never been trick-or-treating before. She discovered this year through classmates at school what it is, so of course she has been asking all week if she could go this year. Before heading home, we went with the Wiens and Lee families to a few houses near the church. I am surprised to admit that it was fun watching their excitement. Since tomorrow is Daylight Savings, we decided to take advantage of having an extra hour by having the Mack family come over to hang out after we went trick-or-treating. I'd say that tonight was a pretty Happy Halloween- the kids had a great time and we got to spend time with many good friends! (more pictures in the photo album on the right)
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