We woke up super early yesterday and left my parents' house by 5am to go catch our flight back to Fresno. I am sooo thankful that our kids did pretty good... Jeremy slept for much of both flights, and Grace kept busy by coloring and watching Little Einsteins. It's hard to believe how fast our month in Edmonton went by. It's incredibly difficult and emotional for me (and my parents) that our family lives so far away... In my heart, one month out of a year isn't enough, but considering everything, I know that I'm lucky just to have that. I am always grateful to Jason for agreeing to give up half of his summer to spend time up there. I am also grateful to my parents, who truly go "all out" and try to give and make the most of the time they get to be with our kids. Here's to our time spent together...
105... amount of dollars spent each time we filled up my parents' minivan
27... days we spent in Edmonton, at my parents' house, on their super uncomfortable futon
20... hours of school work that I did for the upcoming school year
11... pm, the time we went to watch "The Dark Knight"
10... days of Grace's swim lessons
10... courses at Ny and Mac's wedding reception
9... years Jason and I have been married
8... times Jason used his golf clubs (golf course, driving range, and pitch & putt)
8... number of people who stayed in my parents' small 3 bedroom house
7... amount of dollars spent on a stroller (which we depended on a lot!) my mom bought for Jeremy at a thrift store
6... amusement rides that Grace went on all by herself
5... pieces of checked luggage
5... bubble teas that I savored
5... number of times I went to the church I grew up in
4... planes to and from Edmonton
4... times we visited West Edmonton Mall
4... nights of playing Perpetual Commotion and Pick 4 with good friends!
4... times I ate at Pho Hoa
3... days we spent in Canmore/Banff, Alberta
3... times we walked down Whyte Ave.
2... times that Peter and Teresa came up to Edmonton to spend time with us
2... teeth that just came in, which now makes 4 for Jeremy
2... times each week that Grace's Ong and Ba bought her Timbits
2... kids who don't usually sleep together, forced to sleep together, meant a loss of a lot of sleep!
1... amazing and memorable month spent with family and friends...

Family dinners
I enjoyed reading about the time spent w/your family. I was looking for a way to contact you, but didn't see a button or link. Please E-mail me at mommymessenger@gmail.com.
Jane, this looks like an amazing month. I wish we had this kind of time with Kev's family! Welcome home.
What a month! my parents would love it if we spent a month with them!
Sarah fuller
You guys looked like you had a lot of fun. What a great vacation. You are very lucky!
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