It just dawned on me that I haven't shared about Jeremy's latest doctor's appointment. He went in last Thursday. At 6 months, he now weighs 20 lbs, 12 ounces (85th percentile), and is 27 1/2 inches long (60th percentile). I personally think he has a big head, but it turns out that he's average. To give you some perspective, Grace was the same weight when she was a year old! This past month, Jeremy has become an expert at rolling from his back to his side. He is able to sit unsupported for longer periods of time. He still only rolls to the right. The doctor says not to worry- his extra weight makes it harder for him to roll. As well, his first tooth popped through on Saturday! Grace didn't have any teeth until she was 10 months, and 4 of them came in at one time. Jeremy has tried lots of different foods this past month: he doesn't like avocado or sweet potato, likes peas, and loves yellow squash and carrots... I have been trying to get a picture that will show off his new tooth, but haven't had any luck. Below are some other pictures that were taken in the last 2 weeks or so.

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