For those of you who don't know, today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Thanksgiving, whether Canadian or American, is one of my favorite holidays. Even though our family won't be celebrating with a delicious turkey feast, it is most definitely a great time to reflect on everything that we have to be thankful for. It's hard to see sometimes in the busyness of life, but we are truly blessed... Here are some examples: I am thankful that- Jason and I were able to go out on a date on Friday night just the two of us (much thanks to Aaron and Christa, who were so willing to watch Gracie for us); for a husband who hasn't complained (yet) for the ever growing to-do list; for being able to get a lot of work done around the house to prepare for our new addition; for the opportunity to realize how something like eating and food can be taken for granted; for the chance to "slow down" my pace of
life during these past few weeks; for an incredibly cute daughter who is truly so much fun and a joy to be around (usually); for friends who have shown encouragement, care, love, and concern during these tough few months; for a "new" car (we got Jason's mom's car- she just bought a new car, and we just happened to need another car since Jason can't use his truck for times when he'll need to transport 2 kids!)... I will also be very thankful if by the end of this week, we have a new healthy addition to our family... I have an appointment today, but I won't see the doctor until tomorrow. If everything goes as it should, the plan is still that I'll be induced on Wednesday... Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week!
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