On another note, I have continued to have contractions despite not being at work. One of my non-stress tests this week recorded several of my contractions, and the nurse was surprised that despite it registering "high" on their scale, I was unaffected by it. Those weren't painful, but I've had plenty that have been really painful! One night this past week, I thought I was going into labor because for 4 hours, I had a contraction every 20 minutes. Anyway, the contractions that registered were enough for the doctor to examine me. Nothing's changed. Just like with Grace, I guess these contractions really are just my body's way of preparing me for the real thing and building up my pain tolerance. My doctor mentioned how surprised he was that I haven't gained any weight in the last three weeks... That's not a good thing. Usually, most of the last few weeks of pregnancy are when the baby gains his/her weight. Hmm... I'm probably not gaining weight because I'm on such a regulated diet!!! Anyway, he commented that maybe we should just let the baby go full-term since it's probably not going to get too large. To that, I exclaimed, "Uh, I don't think so! My mind set since I found out I had gestational diabetes has been that I'd have this baby at 38 weeks. 40 weeks now just seems so far away." He just smiled and said that we'd aim for October 10. I have three appointments this week, but the next time he "examines" me won't be until next week. We'll go from there!
Let's see... What else have we been up to... Well, tonight, we went to visit with Jason's sister's family. They just bought a house in the foothills outside of Coarsegold so we went to see their new place. We're very excited for them!! We really don't know how some people do it though- choose to live so far away from every convenience. Jason and I definitely love being close to everything. We're such city people.
In the past, our nephew Noah has been the one who Gracie has followed around. She adores him and every time she sees him, she breaks out into a huge smile. Our twin nieces haven't typically paid a lot of attention to Gracie. In these past few months though, we've noticed that she's been starting to keep up with them. Tonight, they actually played together. It was fun to watch her get silly with them. 
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