Americans in Canada
Today was 4th of July, but really, it was just like any other day for us over here. We didn't do anything to celebrate aside from Jason and Gracie proudly wearing their "American" shirts. It must have been a weird day for Jason. That's not even the worst of it- we felt like having Mexican food and couldn't find fresh salsa at the grocery store... The horror!!! :) We're going to try some other stores tomorrow and if we still can't find it, we'll make our own!
Anyway, we still have been up to pretty much nothing. We went to a nearby park today after dinner. It seems as though every neighborhood has its own playground here in Edmonton. They're not fenced in- the playgrounds are completely open. That's one thing that annoys us about Fresno- the lack of green, parks (that you don't have to pay to get into), and playgrounds.

Another neat thing that about Edmonton is its recreation program. There are rec centers in almost every community and they offer excellent programs for really reasonable prices. We went to the rec center near my parents' house and they were great about letting us sign Gracie up for swim lessons even though we aren't residents. Gracie is considered a "duck" and it's a parent-tot class that helps the kids to build confidence in the water. Obviously, Jason's the one who's been going with Gracie since I'm scared of water. I would've considered going with her, but in the last two weeks, Gracie has also suddenly developed a fear of water. Just think- what if we both panicked in the pool?! We think Gracie's fear started when she got some shampoo in her eyes a few weeks ago. Some people we've talked to have said that this is just a phase... Bath time has become miserable for us! Anyway, the lessons are for a half hour everyday for two weeks. The first lesson was this past Monday. Gracie was hysterical- she screamed and cried for the entire half hour, and wanted to get out of the pool. Jason didn't give up on her. They were in the pool the whole time. I was on the verge of tears because I totally understand that fear and to see her go through that was difficult to take. But, I also know how important it is that she not go through life the way I have. I know how important it is that she learn how to swim. Next day, I was so nervous and anxious for her. I was in shock the whole half hour- she gathered up courage from somewhere because she didn't cry! She still clung onto Jason and it took a lot of coaxing for her to try some of the things they were asking for, but she eventually did. We celebrated her efforts by going for an ice cream cone afterwards. Today was the third day and she did wonderfully! She was willing to try almost everything, and she didn't want to go when it was time to leave. I am so proud of her! I'm also proud of Jason. He has been incredibly patient and not once has he shown any frustration. When she was screaming and crying, he sang to her and held her, trying to reassure her... He's been so encouraging and has showered her with praises when she finally takes a risk. He's such an amazing dad! I don't have any pictures- keep forgetting to bring my camera, but when I get some, I'll post them. And for the record, yes, I know that I need to also get over my fear and learn how to swim... If my 2 year old can do it... then I should be able to do it, right?!
My 3rd bubble tea!
I LOVE reading about all your vacation stuff...this is when I really appreciate technology!
Let's go get bubble tea when you get back!
Good job Gracie! And I am 100% with you on the park thing!! Portland has rec centers, too. Man, we're gonna' miss those things.
Can I get in on the bubble tea trip?
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